Boozilla.net makes it easy to find places that sell or allow alcohol (BYOB), add or check prices of alcoholic beverages at any place, add or find events that have booze, rate any booze, and more.
- Did you find a good deal on a bottle of wine? Share it on Boozilla so that others in your area may save!
- Is there a happy hour at a new restaurant? Post it to Boozilla!
- Do you just want to search for a booze that you like? "Fav" any booze, then you can filter search results by your favorites, or just search for a particular booze. *
- Do you want to bring your own bottle to a restaurant but not sure if you can? You can find that place on Boozilla.*
- Looking for a special booze? Now you can! As users and stores add more inventory, those hard to find items will be found easier.
- Are you a store or place that has sales, new or specialty items, or events? If you add it to Boozilla, a Boozilla user following your store - or that booze - gets an alert.
- Is there a beer festival, a wine tasting, or another event with booze somewhere? Add it to Boozilla and reach more customers!*
Boozilla makes it easy to add booze to places. Just scan the barcode of the item using your phone's camera, from the app or website, then enter a price. That's it!
If you are a store, a bar, or a restaurant (or any a place with Booze), anyone on Boozilla can see your specials, specialty items, or any item that you share on Boozilla. Places can even bulk upload their inventory*. No barcode? Even if it's a special craft brew, a mixed drink, your own vintage, or any poured drink, you can add anything to Boozilla without a barcode. You can also upload a picture for anything directly from your phone's camera. Every place can have different prices and inventory. Boozilla is a powerful booze inventory system for every booze place in the world. Places are not rated, just the booze is.
For additional information or inquires at info@boozilla.net
* Some options are not available in beta.
v.beta 5-23-2015